Second Harvest (Brown Bag) This event occurs every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
We meet at the main drop off for the area at the First Presbyterian Church (Wayside), W 24th St, San Mateo at 7:30am. The trailer is unloaded into the vehicles for distribution. A delivery is made to 2604 Flores Ave to deliver to 26 clients. Six additional drivers make deliveries throughout the area. In all we service 48 households.
Please contact Stephen Connelly, who is the liaison between Second Harvest and St Barts. He can be reached at 201-953-3229 and by email at [email protected]. If you are requesting food aid for your neighbors or family, please follow this link to learn more about this life-giving organization of which we are a part.
Sandwich Sunday On the first Sunday of the month, parishioners of all ages gather in the Parish Center at 9:00 a.m. to make sandwiches for hungry children and adults. The lunches are distributed to the needy through Samaritan House; we also need families to deliver the lunches to Samaritan House. Please come at 8:30am if you would like to help set-up tables.
Saint Vincent de Paul The Saint Bartholomew Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society provides emergency assistance for families and individuals. Each week members visit and assist people who are in need of food, clothing and furnishings.
Samaritan House Every Tuesday, parishioners take turns serving dinner at Safe Harbor, a homeless shelter operated by Samaritan House. We also assist with meals at the First Church of Christ in San Mateo. Occasionally substitutes are needed.